Knowing Your Genotype Before Making Babies

Written by, Olayemi Joel

Tom and Rose have been married for 10 years. But even at such early stage of their marriage, both couples only experienced huge regrets due to the fact that they got married without checking their genotypes during the dating and courtship period.

They had just lost their first and second child to the lethargic sickled cell disease (SCD). The third born has little or no chance of surviving too due to the fact that both Tom and Rose are both SS and AS.

The above is just a fictional illustration of what many marriages and sexual partners are experiencing today because of the ignorance or refusal of the two parties  to know their genotypes before committing to a serious relationship.

 Have you witnessed where an Sickled cell child is feeling serious pain? It is really awful to behold most of the times.

Just in case you have little to know information about Sickle Cell Disease, this post will be helpful in enlightening you and your partner further.


What is this genotype and why is it relevant to sickle cell disease?

Genotype is the collection of genes passed from parents to their children. In other word, it refers to the makeup of an individual with relation to a trait or multiple trait.

Types of genotype?
There are four types of genotype in human beings: AA, AS, SS, and AC. Each human being has a pair of genotype from birth. So, it is not possible for Mr A to possess genotypes AA and AS at the same time.

What’s the characteristics of each genotypes?

AA - People with AA are prone to malaria.
SS- People with SS are sickled cell and have low tendency to survive sickle cell disease.

A red blood cell is referred to as "sickled" due to change in it's normal shape from disc shape to sickled shape. .

Enough said, the most crucially important point here is that people who want to go into a serious relationship must know their genotype and their partner must do same too.

This is because at the end of the day, combination of the couples’ genotypes will determine the genotypes of their future children.

What are the possible outcomes in genotype formed when couples give birth to four children?

After checking and knowing your genotype, who can you marry?

You can refer to the above combinations:

Someone with AA can marry anyone carrying any other genotype.

Someone with AS is advised to marry an AA because marrying someone with either AS or SS will result in birth of an SS child.

Someone with SS can only marry an AA person in order to give birth to at least an AA child.

Two SS individuals should never try to get married.

Manifestations of Sickle Cell Disease in a child?

Sudden body pain
Shortness of breathe
Stunt growth and development, etc.

How to take care of Sickled cell child?

 The child must only eat balanced diet in order to be nourished.
The child must be given adequate water to drink everyday in order to avoid dehydration.
The child should do regular exercise and drink plenty of meat before and after to avoid dehydration.

In conclusion,  it is safer for you and your partner to check your genotype before she says "I do" on the altar when there may not be a going back.

Just like the usual saying that "Prevention is better than cure," there is no reason putting the lives of innocent children in danger when you and your spouse are not compatible based on your genotypes.
When you know your genotype as intending couples, you can now be totally sure to continue or not continue with your relationship . This is, or course, to save your potential children’s lives and also your own peace of mind and general well-being. 

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