My Second E-book is out and hot. Grab your copy!
For a while, I have been working towards helping budding Writers to earn good money from their writing skills. Even if it’s two persons, I have always desired to help them start a writing business too. I vividly remember the first day I withdrew 35k from the ATM after completing some writing projects online. It felt so good, trust me.
If you have been seeking how to earn as a Writer, continue reading.
To be candid with you, if you can put in the required efforts and determination, your ability to creatively put words together is enough to help you earn great income on the internet.
From 2017 up till date, I’d say freelance writing has paid lots of my bills. Freelance writing has helped lots of us to survive and expand into other businesses.
Freelance writing can pay your bills too. Trust me.
Now the gist is, almost daily, people seek my assistance as to how they can also start a freelance writing business from the comfort of their homes. And I have always been quick to help them out.
However, ‘The Ultimate Guide For Beginner Writers,’ is my way of finally putting all my experiences over the past three years and over 6 months in-depth research into a book where you can learn how to kick-start your own writing business too.
Good news: the e-Book is AVAILABLE for purchase.
What will you stand to gain from purchasing this e-Book?
• Tips on how you can become a very good writer (it takes a ‘good’ Writer to write for foreigners and get paid handsomely)
• Step-by-step guide on how to register successfully on Upwork (note: Upwork still reserves the right to decide whether to approve or reject your application. But this chapter is dedicated to help you as much as possible to get approved)
• How to register successfully on Fiverr
• Step-by-step guide on how to start getting sales on Fiverr faster
• How you can source for writing jobs via Social media platforms (especially Linkedln and Facebook!).
• How to create content with ease (trust me you need to know this).
• Other proven ways to make money as a Writer.
Are you seeing the need to get this awesome e-book? Having worked on the content for more than 6 months, I can assure you that this 52 pages e-Book is enough to get you your first of many writing jobs within a month.
Price goes for #2000 only!
The cherry on top of the cake: as I said earlier, I’ll be giving you a copy of my 2500naira worth e-Book titled; ‘How to Write Job-Winning Proposals on Upwork’ for FREE!! This will be helpful once your application to join Upwork is approved.
And that’s not all!
In order to be an excellent Writer, you need to constantly read - in order to improve your understanding of English language. Hence, I’ll also be FREELY giving you a copy of a 109 pages e-Book in the public domain which has personally helped to improve in my English language proficiency over the years.
In summary, with 2000naira paid to for a copy of ‘The Ultimate Guide For Beginner Writers,’ you will be getting three awesome e-Books from me! Best offer on the Internet today? Yes!
Are you ready?
Make your payment to the bank details below and send a screenshot of your payment to my Facebook inbox or send it to my email address ( Once you make payment, I’ll forward a copy of the book, and the two other e-Book bonuses to your email address.
Check my bank details below
Bank name: Polaris Bank
Account name: Olayemi Oluwamurewa Joel
Account No: 1130197645
Cheers to your greatness!
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